VFMCI Membership

    1. Churches will be able to receive guidance from the VFMCI Presbytery and Executive Board.
    2. Presbyters will be available to minister to the local congregations and bring outside wisdom to the body.
    3. Churches will have the opportunity to give and be a part of VFMCI mission’s projects, and community projects.
    4. Receive Ministerial Credentials from Victory Ministries through Victory Fellowship of Ministers and Churches International.
    5. Relationship with accountability
    6. Support, encouragement, and assistance, especially during difficult     times, from those of similar faith and vision
    7. Increased credibility through identification with a world-wide organization that emphasizes integrity and responsible Christian conduct
    8. Regional representation and support from ministers

Churches/ministries or ministers who desire to become members of the VFMCI must follow the application procedure and meet the requirements.

VFMCI Application Requirements

In order to facilitate your application, it is extremely important that you submit the application with all the requirements,.

  • Copy of Certificate of Registration
  • Copy of Church/Ministry Constitution
  • Recommendation from VFMCI Member
  • Completed Affiliation Application
  • Application fee K200.00
  • 2 Recent photos (2” x 2”; passport photo)
  • Pastor/Church official Recommendation
  • Copies of Ministerial Training Certificates

Those holding membership certificate or ministerial credentials with VFMCI must keep proper relationship and accountability with the Fellowship in order to have valid/active credentials.

This is done by renewing the membership with VFMCI on annual basis.

The credentials of VFMCI minister whose membership lapses will become invalid.



“This affiliated Church/Ministry is and always shall remain solely an autonomous entity with which Victory Fellowship of Ministers and Churches International (VFMCI) may work harmoniously, promoting the work and objectives set forth in its governing guidelines. VFMCI shall not have nor ever attempt to exercise a single attribute of power or authority over any Church/Ministry, or over its messengers, to in any way limit, interfere with, diminish or otherwise affect the autonomy of the church/ministry but shall recognize the autonomy of the church/ministry under one Sovereign, the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Victory Fellowship of Ministers and Churches has no fiduciary or legal responsibility for the ministry and work of the individual ministers and churches who become affiliated with the Fellowship and that neither of its directors, officers, agents or employees shall be in any way be responsible or liable for the actions of the affiliated members. Furthermore, neither Victory Ministries International, its directors, officers, agents or employees shall be in any way be responsible or liable for the actions of the members of VFMCI.


The VFMCI is commissioned by Victory Ministries to be the official credentialing arm of Victory Ministries. The credentials granted to approved applicants are Victory Ministries credentials.


Any person with a known and verifiable calling may apply for VFMCI credentials. Those who are approved for credentials by VFMCI are required to become members of VFMCI for the purpose of accountability. Individuals who licensed or ordained with other organization may apply to transfer those pre-existing ministerial association and credentials to VFMCI. Alternatively, such persons may choose to hold duo credentials with VFMCI and another organization of similar standing. Recognized ministerial staff of affiliated ministries or churches are eligible to apply for and receive credentials from or through the VFMCI.

If an individual member of an affiliated church congregation desires to obtain credentials, he/she may do so in one of the following ways:

  • If the individual desires to be credentialed through VFMCI, he/she must submit an application to the VFMCI. The application must be complete and accompanied by a written referral from the pastor of the affiliated church.
  • The application will be thoroughly reviewed by members of the VFMCI Executive Board.
  • If the applicant is accepted for licensing or ordination, representatives of the VFMCI Executive Board will be present to conduct or oversee the credentials ceremony in the affiliated church/ministry (if feasible). Otherwise, the applicant must make arrangements to attend a credentialing arranged by VFMCI.

The individual may apply to receive credentials through the denomination of which the affiliated church may be a part, according to the denomination’s credentialing guidelines.  These credentials will not be recognized as credentials from VFMCI even though the church is affiliated with VFMCI.

Affiliated church/ministry members receive the same benefits as individual VFMCI member churches/ministries.

Those holding ministerial credentials with VFMCI must keep proper relationship and accountability with VFMCI in order to have valid /active credentials. This is done by renewing of membership with VFMCI on annual basis.

Credentials of the VFMCI minister whose membership lapses will become invalid

Please be aware that affiliation with Victory Fellowship of Ministers and Churches International DOES NOT entitle your church or ministry to include the wording “Victory” in its name. You may, however, indicate that your church/ministry is affiliated with VFMCI.


If membership with VFMCI lapses, due to non – renewal or other causes, it is necessary to submit an application to reinstate the membership in order to reactivate the VFMCI credentials.


The License of Ministers will be given to those who have demonstrated both a calling and ability to minister in the local church and beyond. They shall give evidence of being actively engaged and have purposed to give themselves wholly to the spread of the gospel.


Persons holding a Minister’s License have been given authority to preach, to perform the essential duties of Pastoral and Evangelistic ministry, in the local church and beyond.


The VFMCI is commissioned by Victory Ministries to be the official credentialing arm of Victory Ministries. The credentials granted to approved applicants are Victory Ministries credentials.


Ordination may be granted to those involved with a definable primary ministry over an extended period and who devote a significant amount of time to such ministry. The candidates for ordination should also have demonstrated maturity in character and attitude and be sound in doctrine and biblical knowledge. The accepted candidate shall be ordained by the laying on of hands and anointing with oil presbytery composed of ordained ministers (must have been licensed for at least 2 years.}


A person holding ordination credentials has been given the authority to do all the work that may be required to promote the gospel, to preach, publish, teach, and defend the gospel of Jesus Christ, to perform the essential duties of pastoral and evangelistic ministry including the sacerdotal function of administering the ordinances of the church and solemnize marriage vows in conformity with the laws of the state.


Those licensed and ordained will receive a certificate indicating the credential and a wallet sized identification card verifying their ministerial membership status.

  1. VFMCI member churches/affiliate churches, ministries and ministers are required to submit on behalf of the local church a monthly tithe of 10% of its gross income to VFMCI.
  2. VFMCI affiliate ministers who submit to a an umbrella body will not be required to submit their 10% tithe to VFMCI but will be required to make a financial contribution in liaison with the  VFMCI national office.
  3. Member churches and affiliate churches/ministries and ministers are required to pay annual membership renewal fees of K500 every January – February of each year.
  4. New applicants are required to pay a one-time application fee of K200.
  5. And a membership fee of K500 once the application has been processed and approved.

Renewal notices are sent as a courtesy. If you receive credentials from VFMCI, you must keep your membership current in order for your credentials to remain valid.


Members of the VFMCI agree to servant leadership while demonstrating personal integrity and moral purity, financial responsibility and ethical standard of Christian conduct. If at some point a member is deemed to have broken their ethical standards of Christian conduct, the fellowship has the authority to suspend or remove a minister/church/ministry from membership, if it is non-compliant with the vision, core values, and statement of faith or charter of the VFMCI.

if for any other reason a minister/ministry desires to withdraw their membership from VFMCI or if they have their membership revoked for a just cause; they will be required to surrender the wallet sized ID card, certificate of membership, certificate of license and certificate of ordination to the VFMCI administration within 30 days.

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