Affiliation to VFMCI


While maintaining its inherent rights to govern its own affairs, each ministry shall voluntarily enter into full cooperative ministry affiliation with The Victory Fellowship of Ministers and Churches International It shall share in the privilege and responsibilities enjoined by the Fellowship, with the privilege of fellowship with other ministries of like faith.

Further, it is recognized that The Victory Fellowship of Ministers and Churches shall not hold, enforce, or in any other way exercise any prerogative which shall be held in any court or body to be its legal right, with the exception of only such prerogatives as shall be specifically delegated to The Victory Fellowship of Ministers and Churches International by the affiliated minister/ ministry.  Such specific prerogative shall be returned in entirety to the church/Ministry by submitting a written request to the Central Administration of the VFMCI signed by the governing Board of the church, provided any and all obligations to The Victory Fellowship of Ministers and Churches International have been dispatched.  It is understood that the attitude and procedure of all individuals and ministries should be that of a compassionate and cooperative relationship toward The VFMCI in accordance with Philippians 2:3 and Philemon 14.

AFFILIATION governing Guidelines
  1. Churches/Ministries desiring partnership with the Fellowship should:
  2. Be in agreement with the vision and values of VFMCI
  3. Be in agreement with VFMCI Statement of Faith.
  4. Be in agreement with VFMCI Mission Statement.
  5. Agree to build relationship with other ministers in the Fellowship.
  6. Agree to actively participate in building the Kingdom of God through this body to the best of their ability.

Ii. Church/Ministry Membership Requirements:

  1. Each church/ministry will be an autonomous body and, therefore, must have its own charter/bylaws. If the church/ministry is just beginning, VFMCI can assist in establishing its charter/bylaws.
  2. Each church/ministry has the option of obtaining tax exemption from Government
  3. Each church/ministry will be required to apply for affiliation and then be interviewed by a VFMCI Board representative.
  4. The church/ministry must agree to meet its financial obligation to the VFMCI
  5. A proper system of financial recording must be functional in the ministry, reflecting financial integrity. The affiliated church/ministry must submit a copy of its financial report at a minimum once a year, and within 30 days after the end of the financial year.
  6. Once a year the affiliated church/ministry will submit a report describing the ministry activities through the past year.
  7. Each church/ministry should be committed to relationship, responsibility and accountability to the Fellowship and its apostolic team.
  1. Recognized ministerial staff of affiliated ministries or churches is eligible to apply for and receive credentials from Victory Ministries through the VFMCI.
  2. If an individual member of an affiliated church congregation desires to obtain credentials, he/she may do so in one of the following ways:

If the individual desires to be credentialed through VFMCI, he/she must submit an application to the VFMCI. The application must be complete and accompanied by a written referral from the pastor of the affiliated church.

  1. The application will be thoroughly reviewed by members of the VFMCI Executive Board 
  2. If the applicant is accepted for licensing

 or ordination, representatives of the VFMCI Executive Board will be present to conduct or oversee the credentials ceremony in the affiliated church/ministry (if feasible).  Otherwise, the applicant must make arrangements to attend a credentialing arranged by VFMCI.

  1. The individual may apply to receive credentials through the denomination of which the affiliated church may be a part, according to the denomination’s credentialing guidelines. These credentials will not be recognized as credentials from VFMCI even though the church is affiliated with VFMCI.
  2. Affiliated church/ministry members receive the same benefits as individual VFMCI members.

As an affiliated member your church/ministry would be accountable to this fellowship only.

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