Victory Fellowship of Ministers & Churches International

Latest Announcement

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Please note the change in date to November 15-16, 2024

Who we are

Victory Fellowship of Ministers and Churches International (VFMCI), was established to provide spiritual covering, pastoral care, mutual accountability, ministry resource, fellowship and mentorship for its credential holders, member churches, affiliated churches and ministries, which ascribe to the vision and mission of the fellowship. We also purpose to fellowship with all Pastors, Missionaries, Leaders, Churches and Ministries who manifest the Spirit of Christ and to encourage and edify the body of CHRIST.

Mission Statement

The mission of VFMCI is to be a fellowship of people who have purposed to be faithful in supporting and stimulating one another to glorify God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ and to obey Christ’s mandate to preach the Gospel and to make disciples of all nations. To this end we are committed to serving and equipping our Members in carrying out their respective missions. To ordain qualified ministers of the Gospel and license qualified local church elders and leaders in the body of Christ. To be a covering for local churches and fivefold ministers and ministries who decide to AFFILIATE with VFMCI.

The VFMCI is commissioned by Victory Ministries to be the official credentialing arm of Victory Ministries. The credentials granted to approved applicants are Victory Ministries credentials….



The License of Ministers will be given to those who have demonstrated both a calling and ability to minister in the local church and beyond. They shall give evidence of being actively engaged and have purposed to give themselves wholly to the spread of the gospel.

Leadership Training

The VFMCI conducts periodic and orgainzed training for both it’s current and new members in order to help keep the general membership all aligned to values and purpose of the institution.



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